Happy Spring!
Can you believe it's April already? Our film workshop with Seamus McNally is finished and was a great success (photos below); our Scene Study and Musical Theatre workshops are well underway; and our LAMDA students will be taking their exams at the end of the month.
Now is the time for us to be putting out the official call for directors for our October 2023 production of The Shape of Things by Neil LaBute. The production will run October 18-21, with rehearsals set to begin at the start of August.
So how will we choose a director? If you would like to be included as a possible director for the show (or if you would like more information) please email info@whiterabbittheatre.org to let us know. We need to hear from you by April 15, so please don't take too long! Once we have assembled our list of interested people, we will send out a copy of the script and ask for each director to submit a short proposal of how they see the production going. From that, we will follow up with directors who fit what we're looking for, and then we'll make a selection.
For all you actors out there, sit tight because we're hoping to have the director selected by the end of May and then hold our auditions towards the end of June / beginning of July. So stay tuned!