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The latest updates of
White Rabbit Theatre

Tickets On Sale!
It's summer time, the weather is warm and the evenings are bright. And we've got some great new summer time announcements! Our first...

Down and Up and Down Again
I think we can all agree it’s been a roller coaster year. And although the year is almost over, and there’s a distant light at the end of...

The Play is Cast!
No restrictions are keeping us down! Hitler's Tasters has officially been cast: Hilda - Laura Sophia Becker Liesel - Amy Amstutz Anna -...

The Home Stretch
It's finally here. The finish line is in sight. This is the last week we will be performing Discord before we put this 14-month project...

7 On - 1 Off - 7On
And here we go. Last week, due to people still finishing up work etc. our rehearsals were intermittent, but starting Sunday, we have...

Get the Deal
Less than two weeks left now until our show on March 22. This past Friday, we had a meeting to discuss what went well and not so well in...

One Down, Three to Go
January reading. Check. Still to come, March, August and October. After one read-through and two rehearsals, our first public reading of...

Week 7
This is it. Our final week of rehearsals is about to begin. Exactly one week from today we will be moving into the theatre, and three...

Panic Stations!!
Only two weeks left! This is not a drill!! How on Earth did we get here? I can't wait for everything to be over and done, but at the same...

It's the Final Countdown
Would you believe that I was so busy this past week that not only do I not have any videos to share, but I don't have any photos either!...

A Change of Rehearsal Venue
Another week has passed and we take another step closer to show week! This passed week we had a slight change of venue, due to some...

Rained Out
Things are ticking along here. Week three is done and we're finished Acts II and III. Now back to finish Act I. If you recall from last...

Week 1 is Done
The time has finally come. Last Thursday, we had our first rehearsal and we are now almost into week 2. I do need to thank Zurich...
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