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It's All Settled!

We're back with an update just like that! I honestly thought it was going to take longer so I sent the info I had out to you guys because I didn't want to keep you waiting. I probably could have waited one more day and sent you everything but you know if I had waited, things wouldn't have cleared themselves up so quickly. Anyway, here we are!

So, I can tell you the location for all the workshops will be:

Kirchgemeindehaus Neumünster (KGH)

Seefeldstrasse 91

8008, Zürich

I know many of you are familiar with this location, we've used it several times before. It's nice and central, easily accessible by the #2 and #4 trams, and a short walk from Stadelhofen.

So, just to recap, we've got:

Acting Shakespeare (Tuesdays) - lead by Jenna McKellips

Intro to Acting (Wednesdays) - lead by Meg Adams

Musical Theatre (Thursdays) - lead by Meg Adams

LAMDA Exam Private Training (various days) - lead by me!! (Courtney)

Registration will stay open for the entire month of February, with the exception of LAMDA, which will stay open until the end of February or until the limited spots are filled.

For more details, including further information about the workshop content, exact dates and times, cost and, most importantly, to register, check out our workshop page. You can also email us at with any questions.

PS. Some of our LAMDA spots are already filled, so hurry if that's what you're interested in!


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